Friday, July 19, 2013

Dos buhos Vineyards And Winery

info on Branko including background and education( bachelors degree in ecology) and studies in Spain, Italy and France  - from Bosnia and returns every 9 months or so to visit his family
follow up questions via email
homebrewing interests to keep in context of blog - he likes to brew IPA and brown ales
small wine batches 1bbl the first year
now 4,800 bottles this year
passion for wine- putting all his knowledge from education in EU. from the ground up
Eu rules don't apply here because of the climate, soil, and most importantly the absense of desease which allows for organic growing and require only a single or at most two treatments of Sulfur
the ranch, although only outside of San Miguel by 6 km. has less rain and less humidity.
The grapes drop their leave and change due to the dryness here in San Miguel rather than from the low temperatures.
lots of sun cause the acidity in the grapes to turn to sugar while cloudy days preserve the acidity. This acidity is what prevents bacterial contamination and San Miguel grapes are high in acid
only in mx. will you find this opportunity the owners he work for are from this area
wine tasting

Moscato grapes - white pic
Petite sarah



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